In the USA, 10/6 is Mad Hatter Day – 6th October.
In our Wonderland world of make-believe, we love everything front to back and back to front, so naturally, we celebrate MAD HATTER'S Day with the enthusiasm this day deseves.
Who is the Mad Hatter?
The Mad Hatter is a famous character from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He was illustrated by the renowned artist John Tenniel, who worked for PUNCH, one of the most popular magazines of the time.
Where did the hat come from?
The Hatter wore a top hat marked with the label “In this style 10/6,” indicating the price of the hat before decimalisation. In 1865, the year the book was first published, 10 shillings and 6 pence was the cost – a trivial detail that eventually inspired the date for Mad Hatter Day.
10/6 (ten shillings and six pence) is equivalent to 52p in today’s money.
£0.52 is approximately $0.63 (US dollars).
While £0.52 may not seem like much, adjusted for inflation over the past 150 years, it could amount to anywhere between £550 and £650 today!
How do we celebrate Mad Hatter Day?
Around the world – particularly on Mad Hatter Day, but not limited to – people have been known to wear outlandish hats. It doesn’t have to be a top hat, but it should exude a peculiar touch of eccentricity.
On Mad Hatter Days, it’s not unusual for people to throw a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Some even send Mad Hatter cards containing a tea bag, with messages like:
"I was just thinking about you, and since it’s Mad Hatter’s Day, I’d like you to have a drink on me."
On Mad Hatter Day, no matter how busy or heavy the day feels, keep at least three riddles in your head. Here are a few to get you started:
What tea is the hardest to swallow?
What happened when the duck fell into the teacup?
He quacked it.
What do you get when you pour a hot cup of tea down a rabbit hole?
Hot, cross bunnies.
Why is it smart to always ask your teacup for advice?
Your teacup always has a handle on it.
What do you get when you meditate with a nice cup of tea?
What did the saucy saucer say to the teacup?
"Oh! You do have a hot bottom."
What do you call a wizard holding a teacup and saucer?
A saucer-er.
What begins with T, ends with T, and is full of T?
A teapot.
What language do teapots speak?
What is a structural engineer’s favourite tea?
Structural integri-tea.
Happy Mad Hatter Day to you!!!